The Onkletator flying to Earth through Nebulae, a Black Hole, and the Solar System, for a gig at a Working Mens Club. Animation and models made in Blender.

(click on The four arrows full screen icon for full screen - ESC to cancel.)

The Onkletator flying to Earth for a gig, created in Blender in Full HD .mp4. This is quite a big file, 24 MB; it may take a while to load. For full screen click on the The four arrows full screen icon icon or double‑click on the image — ESC to cancel.

This is the Proof Of Concept, first part (1 minute 18), of what may eventually be a music video. Lots of work to do yet.

The audio in this video is from recordings made by Cycle at Chisel Hill Mill Studio in 1975. I performed in and made the recordings, and the audio is from my copy made directly from the master.

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